Instructions for completing this course
You must register for the course by clicking the buton titled REGISTER FOR COURSE. As you read through the material on the course pages, you will be occasionally prompted to answer exam questions. There is a total of 34 multiple choice questions in this course. You must achieve a grade > 80% (28 correct answers) to receive a certificate.
When you have answered the last exam question, the Course Results page will display. This page will contain your final grade and allow you to immediately print your certificate if you have scored a passing grade. Your certificate will also be available on your Student Control Panel where you may print it at any time.
Course work does not need to be completed in one online session. You can log off at any point and return to your place in the course at your convenience.
The Course Reference Page available at the completion of the course also contains many useful reference documents from notable sources pertinent to material covered in this course.
The program is divided into six sections:
ELEMENT 1: Compliance with Infection Control Regulations and Recommendations of Advisory Agencies
ELEMENT 2: Mechanisms of Transmission of Pathogenic Organisms in the Dental Health Care Setting and Strategies for Prevention and Control
ELEMENT 3: Engineering and Work Practice Controls which Reduce the Risk of Patient and Dental Health Care Worker Exposure to Potentially Infectious Material
ELEMENT 4: Selection and Use of Personal Protective Equipment to Prevent Patient & Dental Health Care Worker Contact with Potentially Infectious Material
ELEMENT 5: Creation and Maintenance of a Safe Environment for Patient Care by Adhering to Best Practices for Cleaning, Disinfection, and Sterilization
ELEMENT 6: Preventing and Controlling Infectious and Communicable Diseases in Dental Health Care Workers
ELEMENT 7: Sepsis Awareness
The course work was authored by Regina Napolitano, RN, MA, CIC, an Infection Control Practitioner whose credentials include over 25 years of experience as a consultant and administrator at a large, municipal health facility; five years of experience as a consultant for federally-funded international programs; and five years as a college professor providing instruction in epidemiology and community health. The course was reviewed by Gina D'Amario, RDH, a practicing Registered Dental Hygienist in New York, NY.
Target Audience
Dentists, Dental Hygienists, and Dental Assistants who require this training as a condition for licensure and those who are interested in updating their knowledge of infection control principles and practices in the dental setting.
Purpose / Goal
To inform dental health professionals about the evidence-based principles and practices necessary to implement an infection control program that eliminates the risk of the spread of pathogens to patients, staff and visitors in a dental setting.
Contact Hours
This program is approved for 4.0 Contact Hours.
ProCEO Inc is a Nationally Approved PACE Program Provider for FAGD / MAGD credit. .Approval does not imply acceptance by any regulatory authority, or AGD endorsement.
The current term of approval: 9/1/2023 to 8/31/2029. Provider ID # 365739 |
Upon completion of this educational activity, the participant will be able to:
- List ten scientifically accepted infection control practices pertinent to the dental practice.
- Explain the dentist's responsibility to monitor the infection control practices of employees.
- Name procedures that increase the risk of transmission of pathogenic organisms in the dental setting.
- Cite examples of "engineering controls", "work practice controls", and "personal protective equipment" used as practical strategies to reduce the risk of transmission of pathogens.
- Specify the important aspects of managing dental water systems used for irrigation during surgical and non-surgical procedures.
- Instruct staff on the use of personal protective equipment appropriate to the task being performed.
- Explain safe injection practices as it pertains to the sterility of multidose medication vials.
- Differentiate between non-critical, semi-critical, and critical dental and surgical devices.
- Select the proper method for effective pre-cleaning, cleaning, disinfection, and sterilization of surgical instruments and dental devices.
- Identify the appropriate monitoring systems for disinfection and sterilization methods used to reprocess equipment.
- Summarize occupational health strategies that protect both dental care workers and patients. 12. Outline the employer's responsibility to provide for appropriate management of employees who sustain an occupational exposure to HIV, Hepatitis C Virus or Hepatitis B Virus.
- Discuss identification and appropriate actions for dental patients with possible sepsis.
Registration Fee
The registration fee for this course is $49.00. A discounted registration fee is available to qualified registrants from institutions that have made an arrangement with CEO for special pricing. Registrants who are eligible for a discount must enter the Discount code in the appropriate box during the registration process in order to receive a discounted rate.
Your registration fee includes two opportunities to pass the examination.
If you have any questions or concerns about this course, you may contact a Customer Service representative at 888-345-6788, or e-mail us at